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A. The name of this organization shall be the Wonder Lake Yacht Club.

B. The object and purpose of this organization shall be to further yachting and other water sports and promote good fellowship and other social activities among its members.


A. There shall be two classes of members - Racing Members and Social Members. (Revised May 21, 2006)

B. Both Racing and Social Members must be an owner or renter of Wonder Lake property or member of the immediate family of the property owner. A Social Membership shall include the immediate family. Social Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Club except for matters pertaining to racing. Racing Membership shall be limited to individuals paying racing dues. Racing Members shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to racing. There shall be one vote allowed for each paid up Social Membership in Club affairs.

C. Any person desiring to become a member of this Club shall make a written application for such membership, which shall be signed by the applicant and a member in good standing. All such applications shall be passed on by the Membership Committee or Board of Directors.

• Any person who has ceased to become a member may only be reinstated to membership in the same manner as a new applicant for membership.

• Any member may be expelled or suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. A member may appeal the act of the Board in writing to the Secretary. The Secretary must notify the membership of the appeal 10 days in advance of the next meeting, and a two-thirds vote of the membership will overrule the expulsion or suspension action of the Board.

• Each racing boat must have at least one paid-up member.

G. A Social Member who moves away from Wonder Lake may, at the discretion of the Board, retain membership in the Club. Racing Members must be a property owner or renter of Wonder Lake property or member of the immediate family of a property owner.

H. All Yacht Club Members shall adhere to the rules and regulations of the MPOA. (Revised May 21, 2006)


A. Annual dues for Social Membership per family shall be $40.00. Annual dues for Racing Membership shall be $50.00. Each will be reviewed on a yearly basis. The Board of Directors may establish additional racing fees as they deem appropriate. (Revised March 11, 2005 & May 21, 2006)

B. Dues and racing fees are due and payable by May 15th of each year. Members who have not paid dues by July 1st will be dropped from the Club.

C. The Board of Directors may abate the dues of any member they find worthy.


A. The Annual Meeting of the Club shall be held in September and a Spring Meeting shall be held in May. Written notice of these meetings including an agenda shall be mailed to the last-known address of each member entitled to vote at least ten days in advance of the meeting.

• Special meetings of the Club may be held at any time with at least ten days notice to the members.

C. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each quarter to review the affairs of the Club. (Revised May 21, 2006)


A. The election of officers shall take place at the meeting in September.

B. No member shall be elected to office without his consent.

C. Nominations for officers shall be made from the floor.

D. The officers of the Club to be elected by the membership shall be the Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary/Treasurer and one or more Rear Commodores if determined necessary by the Board. They shall hold office for two years or until their respective successors are elected and assume their offices on November 15th of the year elected.

E. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary/Treasurer, the immediate Past-Commodore and any Rear Commodores.

F. The Board of Directors shall control and manage all of the property of the Club, make all contracts and purchases, and shall fill vacancies in elective offices.

G. The Commodore shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors and shall enforce the laws and regulations of the Club.

H. The Vice-Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and shall officiate in his absence. He shall be responsible for coordination of activities of the Fleets, counseling the Race Committee and other duties assigned by the Commodore.

I. Any Rear-Commodore shall be elected by and from each of the Fleets and shall serve as Fleet Captain. He shall assist the Commodore and Vice-Commodore in the discharge of their duties and shall officiate in their absence. As Fleet Captain, he shall be responsible for the coordination of activities of his Fleet, counseling the Race Committee and other duties as assigned by the Commodore.

J. For the purposes of the elections specified in the preceding Paragraph I., the membership of the Fleet is defined as consisting of not more than two paid-up members per racing boat.

K. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes of the meeting and shall have custody of all reports and documents connected with the proceedings of the Club. Shall have charge of all funds of the Club and make all collections. Shall make all disbursements with the approval of the Board of Directors or any other receipts and disbursements and shall maintain a file supporting disbursements.


A. There may be the following committees: Race Committee, Membership Committee, Entertainment Committee, By-Laws Committee, Auditing Committee and any other committees as determined by the Board.

B. The Board shall appoint a chairman of each committee.

C. The Chairman of each committee shall appoint committee members as necessary. Committee members shall be SocialMembers or RacingMembers in good standing.

D. The Chairman of the Race Committee shall be the Chief Judge. Members of his committee shall be designated as Associate Judges. The Race Committee shall manage all races held by the Club. It shall hear and determine all protests in connection with all races. It should invite Fleet Captains to participate in all pertinent meetings of the Race Committee including the determination of race courses, and it shall give due consideration to the advice of the Fleet Captains.

E. The Membership Committee shall have charge of all matters relating to the obtaining of new members to the Club.

F. The Entertainment Committee shall arrange and manage all social functions of the Club.

G. The By-Laws Committee shall prepare any changes to be made in the By-Laws for vote by the membership at any meeting or special meeting of the Club. H. The Auditing Committee shall audit the books and records of the Club at least once a year, and shall prepare an annual report to the membership.


These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Club. Ten days notice of the amendment to be made must be given in writing to the membership. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting will be necessary to amend these By-Laws.


C Scow LogoThe C Scow was the first class of scow built by Harry C. Melges, Sr. in 1945; it quickly became an all-time speed favorite. The C Scow has come a long way from the days of wooden materials and cotton sails. It continues to be a very revolutionary sailboat, inspired by more than 100 years of competitive racing. This cat-rigged, maneuverable sailboat is great fun and a total pleasure to sail..... Very Fast, Fun, and Furious!